Beyond the Danish pastry…

My lungs felt the crisp air of Copenhagen for the first time. It is already quite cold at this time of the year. The sky was eternally cloudy with the threat of mild rain, but, least to say, the day was lovely. I had on two layers of thin clothings, a leather jacket and sweater with a hoodie and they were more than adequate to keep me warm and cozy during my four-hour walk along the riverside. My hands were curled up inside the pockets of my sweater, but my face, safely nestled within the confines of my hood, welcomed the icy kisses of the air as my eyes gleefully scanned for Scandinavian structures and history.

A hotel guest checking in in style.

I came prepared for the cold weather.

Trailing the one-lane road for pedestrians that we sometimes shared with the cyclists that outnumbered those who travel by cars, I and two more crew reached the city center in a matter of minutes. Windows after windows of clothing stores outlined the narrow city streets. H&M, which is a Danish brand, is on a 50% off sale today. Once in a while, a few bars and coffee shops broke the monotony. And where the proud boutique displays slowly ended, modern office buildings with glass walls from to bottom started. It was easy to tell that we were in the posh area of Copenhagen. In the same area, a Danish palace can also be found.

Danish people are major bike lovers.

The old Copenhagen Stock Exchange building built in the 1600. That towering spire is known as the Dragon-twist spire, symbolizing the union of Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

Just follow the water.

But if Copenhagen as a city is a crown, its citizens are its jewels . I feel very happy to find myself in this city where most of the people wear trench coats. The trench coat is almost synonymous with class. So when you couldn’t decide what to wear in a cold weather, rock the trench, darling! For that, I have to say this–Danish people (at least in Copenhagen) are extremely fashionable, even their dogs look very chic.

Today, for the first time, I have seen a winter outfit with a an ankle length dress paired with a high-cut military-inspired boots. Today, for the first time, my neck twisted when I saw this grandma in an all black winter ensemble with a top hat on her head! How chic is that? Apparently, Copenhagen is not done sweeping me off my feet. Today, for the first time, a lady parked her bicycle in front of me–wearing no less than a pair of black Louboutin stilettos . How often do you see a chic, young lady riding her bicycles in Loboutin? Never, but today! Only in Copenhagen. All that happened within four hours only. I wish I were brave enough to capture all the fabulousness in photos.

Stalker mode.

A brightly-painted house, which is something very famous about Copenhagen. I brought four of them to the house, in the form of a fridge magnet.

Bernalou and I standing side by side with the world’s tallest man.

Bikes, bikes and more bikes!

The see-through buildings near our hotel.

My view all day and all night from my bedroom window.

And that is Copenhagen for a day. Thank you for all the fashion tips.

Little mermaid, you are gonna have to wait. See you in the summer if I get lucky.

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