These made my bed rock.

I had a recent trip to Lagos$$$$, Nigeria. I put the dollar sign because of its hefty hotel allowance because food there is expensive. We get almost the same amount for a day in Lagos as with two days in Los Angeles. But that is not my story for today. It is even better. 🙂

I walked into the hotel lobby and I found myself face to face with this:

Two columns of bookshelves from the floor to the ceiling! Isn’t it the cutest thing in the world? I love books! It’s better if I don’t explain how I love them because I would run out of words. I love books even more when they are stacked up on a bookshelf. And bookshelves, especially the vintage style, have this very dated feel in a really nice way. They make me feel like I am surrounded with these secret treasures and secrets just waiting for me to find them. I doubt there is a hotel lobby out there with as much books as this one has.

This was not where the excitement stopped. When I went up to my room in the second floor, my door revealed a very cozy corner that reminded me of the smell of the earth after the rain.

This wall divider of unique graphite layers added a rustic and homely touch to an otherwise impersonal hotel room.

What kind of woman would not love vintage bath tubs? This bathtub placed against an unpolished stone wall took me to a log  cabin in faraway where the air outside was very cold and the water in the tub was too cozy to get over with.

Almost each of us in the crew ordered the same dinner–the King Prawns that came with three different sauces. It lived up to its reputation, my tummy was glad.

My chocolate-flavored friend is Willis from Kenya.

I downed my seafood dinner with a bottle of the local beer, Star beer. Nigerians have this saying “.. drink one bottle of Star and you’ll see a star. Drink two bottles and you’ll see a galaxy.” I saw only one star that night. 🙂 I was a good girl that evening.


Now let me take you to another beautiful country with a very beautiful hotel room–Johannesburg, South Africa. Yes, South Africa is a country, not a continent. Sorry Paris Hilton. 😉

This room was fabulous. It was too small for me, though. But thank you for making me feel like a movie star even just for a day.

A splash of romance on my carpet.


Now that I have done my job for today, it is time to do my other job. Flying to Medina in a few hours.