Following Uno.

I am trying to finish a painting. It is in watercolor and the last time I made one was when I was a freshman in college and still a virgin. Hahah! I really hope this would turn out the way I wanted to because this is a suprise for someone who I love.

This is my excuse for not posting my travels for many days. I have not even posted my trip to Mahe Island and the day after tomorrow I will be flying back there again. Tsktsk. At least I managed to finish something this week. I finally finished the latest installment of the Percy Jackson series while I locked myself up in my very cozy room in London while feathery light snowflakes fall on trees, some of them landed on my window pane.

For the meantime, this would do.

This is my drama queen of a friend, Uno. My patient companion who showed me the best view of the Eiffel Tower.

The Bridge of Sighs, Venice.

So many legends about this bridge, most include the miserable fates of prisoners that were locked up in the prison cells by this bridge. But seriously, when you are in Venice the last you would want to plant in your mind is misery and misfortunes. Without contest, my favorite is the story that includes romance. Legend has it that lovers will have everlasting love and happiness if they kiss on a gondola at sunset under the Bridge of Sighs. So if love potions and other tricks won’t work on your man, it won’t hurt to try this one. 😉


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